Home Learning
Object control Lesson 4: Throwing and catching
Lesrning outcomes
- I can explain our throwing and catching techniques
- I can start to combine throwing and catching with others
- I can apply my throwing and catching into games
What you need
- Pillow case (or basketball/football if available)
- Plenty pairs of socks
- 4 baskets/tubs
Activity 1: Chest pass practice
- Fill your pillow case with socks and tie in a knot to create a basketball if you don't have one
- Can you practice your chest pass techique with a partner?
- See video for technique
Progressions: Devlop hand-eye coordination
- Throw high, throw low
- Throw side to side
Activity 2: Underarm throw
- Using one pair of socks, can you practice your underarm throwing and catching with a partner?
- See video for techniques
- Throw side to side
- One handed catches
Activity 3: Protect the island
- Each player needs to place one basket infront of them
- You score one point every time yo uare able to throw your object into your partners basket
- Use your catching and reaction skills to protect your basket
Progression: Protect the islands
- Each player now needs tow baskets, one at either side
- Same rules as above, but this activity now focuses on our one handed catching, and our hand-eye coordination